installation in lounge

(The photograph will be back soon...)

I rearranged my little paintings on a wall in our lounge around the birthday present for Rich. Some people says that I seem trying to make a collage on a wall with the paintings when I do the installations. I appreciate that comment but, to be honest, I'm just seeking the best position for all of them, trying not any one of them being left behind. Many of them are all related with my interest in Re-cycling, Personal and Home, for example, the biggest paintings in this photograph are made from some broken bed frames from our spare bed room and wore down t-shirts, paper mache from used memo-writing, and others are paintings & drawings on a cardboard and CD-R.

In the left the yellow painting with a little girl, this is Rich's favorite. And some people also like it. I call it ITCHY PAINTING. I have allergy and I felt itchy in my foot while I was painting this one. I wanted to show It's not a bad thing because I am living therefore I can feel itchy. So,,, I tried to make a cute and colorful one. Anyway the more detailed picture is coming soon.