
7.30am がんばります!
Woke up feeling dreadful, full of flu. Ryumi thinks its just a cold but the headache, fever and all bones hurting makes me think im right. Walk the normally peaceful walk to the train station but for some reason on this day where my head hurts most cars feel they should beep their horn at just about everybody for just about anything.
Finally i make it to the station away from all those crazy beeping drivers to just in time for the 8.45am train straight to sunny Acton. But whats this i see! Just a 30 minute delay. My morning paper now well and truly read even the horoscopes that say Libra "Today will be a day to experience new things" I guess a 30 minute delay and severe flu are kind of a new experience!
When the train arrives its completely full and i have to stand up. But thanks
to my newly acquired severe cough the people part guiding me to a spare seat at the end of the carriage. Now all is well 30 mins and i will be at work. Then just a walk through a beautiful park and i can sit at my desk and chill. But as the loudspeaker crackles i can just make out something about not going to Acton but stopping at Camden. Hey thats handy i only work 11 train stops from there!
So off I get again at Camden at least it isnt sunday and i have to share my next train with those goths all dressed in black with boots heels high enough to make a dwarf look tall. After a 30 minute wait the train arrives "Ground hog day" Cough, cough people move, find a seat. All is well. Except the over amourous dog that i believe that having a obviously gay owner has left it a little confused about its sexuality! And which species it would like to mate with - as it sniffs excitedly on my leg.
this one.
Suddenly i also learn something today that would have normally taking a night watching Animal Planet - even dogs want to get away from someone who coughs so hideous it sounds like they are dying.
So only two more stops and Im there what else could go wrong. Well a gay dog having a barking contest with a drunk thats what! So for 2 stops i desperatly stare out of the window at the scrap metal yard and the lovely new arch of wembley football stadium knowing its only a few more stops to go. I get up early and as i walk past the dog it stops barking for a second to let me squeeze past. looking at me it kindly gives me one last bark to my face which i guess was a bye. THANK GOD I NEVER PAY FOR THAT TRAIN!
As i walk through Acton park looking at the nice flowers and trying to work out how i can get those conkers out of the trees the next thing i know all thats left to do is risk my life crossing the road and im there.
At last i go to sit at my desk any find a complete stranger sitting there. Apparently i had one day off so they assumed i wouldnt be back till the nest week - Well they were kind of right. I make them move and spend a good 2 hours coughing, getting hotter and hotter and decide to call it a day and leave. But not before the camp guy who sits behind me sneezes and gives me a look saying "look what youve done to me - given me a cold"
As i walk back through the park somehow at about 1pm Acton has lost all its power and the train are cancelled so i walk back through the park AGAIN, its ok i love lots of walking when i feel like im about to die. So a quick moan to Ryumi on the phone before catching a bus, 11 stops on the tube (lots of almost fainting there) another bus, a walk and home at 2.30.
As i begin to fall asleep on the sofa i think to myself tommorrow がんばらない。